Iranian pistachios Prospects for boosting production for the coming new season
In recent years, several factors such as water scarcity, Lack of pistachio trees cold weather need in winter. Also, freezing of trees at flowering time, reduced the production of Iranian pistachios. But the most important factor in reducing the production of Iranian pistachios has been the reduction of rainfall and shortage of water resources in recent years . Good news is this year game changed . In the spring of this year 2019, Iran has had incredible growth in rainfall . just one week raind was equal to last 3 years rain.
In some areas, for one or two days of the spring, the temperature dropped below zero degrees at night and causing damage to some Iranian pistachios trees , Most damage reported for the Fandoghi pistachio trees.
Report for 2017-2018 pistachio
According to reports from different regions of Iran ,It is estimated that Iranian pistachios tree yield will be more than 50% of their production crop capacity this year(2019) And like 2 years ago, it is expected that Iran will have about 250,000 tons of pistachio
The global production of pistachios is expected to hit more than 165,000 tons last year from 2019 to 2018 to 814,000 tons. Turkey and the United States hit the record in pistachio production, thus offsetting a sharp decline in Iranian pistachios output. With a significant increase in supply, global consumption is expected to reach unprecedented levels of 743,000 tons. However, global exports may drop by 50,000 over the past year due to a shortage of Iranian pistachios .
Last year was bad for Iranian pistachios but good news will com.
• Iran
Iranian pistachios production has been 173,000 tons less than the previous year (2017-2018), reaching 52,000 tons in 2018-2019.
According to the Iranian Pistachio Association; the unheard-of heat of the spring season in Kerman province caused a severe fall of flower buds in this important region of Iranian pistachios production. Iran’s exports to China, the European Union and Turkey are expected to drop from 150 thousand tons last year (2017-2018) to 50 thousand tons in 2018-2019
• America
Following an increase in pistachio cultivation in the United States, pistachio production in the United States amounted to 450,000 tones. It comes from the Pistachio Executive Committee, which records pistachio recording and sales data annually. US exports to China, the European Union and Canada increased.
By reducing the competitiveness of Iran, it is forecasted that US exports to other countries will reach to 250 thousand tons this year.
• Turkey
Turkey’s pistachio production reached 240 thousand tons this year. A large percentage of the Turkish product is consumed inside the country. So there will be no significant increase in exports.
• china
The pistachio imports to China are projected to decline by around 100,000 tons this year due to reduced exports of pistachios from Iran. Despite China’s new customs tariffs on American pistachio,
Exports of pistachios to China will increase, followed by a similar trend.