Global pistachio market in 2024

The global Pistachio market size in 2024

According to the latest market data, the global pistachio market size is projected to continue growing from 2023 to 2024. The market was valued at around USD 4.1 billion in 2022 and is expected to see a steady compound annual growth rate (CAGR) in the coming years. This growth is driven by increasing demand for healthy snacks, rising awareness about the nutritional benefits of pistachios, and expanding applications in the food industry.

While specific figures for 2023 to 2024 haven’t been fully published yet, the market is anticipated to maintain its upward trajectory, supported by the ongoing trend towards health-conscious eating and the popularity of plant-based diets. Growth may also be influenced by production levels in major pistachio-producing countries like the United States (particularly California), Iran, and Turkey.

To get precise and up-to-date figures for the global pistachio market from 2023 to 2024, it would be best to consult the latest market reports or industry analyses as they become available.

Who are the major manufacturers of Pistachio Market worldwide?

The global pistachio market is dominated by a few key players, particularly from regions known for their large-scale pistachio production. The major manufacturers and producers of pistachios worldwide include:

1. Wonderful Pistachios & Almonds (The Wonderful Company) – Based in the United States, this company is one of the largest producers and marketers of pistachios globally. They are headquartered in California, which is a significant hub for pistachio production.

2. Setton Farms – Also based in California, Setton Farms is another major player in the pistachio industry. They are known for both producing and processing pistachios and exporting their products worldwide.

3. Primex Farms – Located in California, Primex Farms is a significant producer and processor of pistachios, with a strong presence in the global market.

4. Beneh Pistachio – An Iranian company, Beneh Pistachio is one of the leading producers and exporters of pistachios from Iran, which is historically one of the largest pistachio-producing countries in the world.

5. Azerbaijan Pistachio Producers – This group includes several companies from Iran, particularly from the Kerman region, which is famous for its pistachio production.

6. American Pistachio Growers – A trade association representing U.S. pistachio growers, including many large producers in California, Arizona, and New Mexico.

What are the types of pistachios available in the Market?

There are several types of pistachios available in the market, each distinguished by their origin, size, flavor, and processing method. Here are some of the most common types:

 1. Kerman Pistachio

2. Iranian Pistachios

   – Varieties:

     – Fandoghi (Round): Small and round, this is the most common variety grown in Iran.

     – Kale Ghoochi (Jumbo): Larger and rounder than other varieties, known for its robust flavor.

     – Akbari: Long and large with a distinct shape, this variety is prized for its unique taste.

     – Ahmad Aghaei: Elongated and medium-sized, with a pale shell and sweet flavor.

   – Description: Iranian pistachios (Hiva Nuts) are famous for their distinctive flavor and often have a more pronounced taste compared to other varieties.

 3. Turkish Pistachios (Antep)

 4. Bronte Pistachios

5. Red Pistachios

6. Raw Pistachios

7. Roasted and Salted Pistachios

Each of these types of pistachios has its own unique characteristics, making them suitable for different culinary uses and personal preferences.

global pistachio market

The pistachio market offers a diverse range of options, each with unique characteristics that cater to various tastes and culinary applications. From the widely cultivated Kerman pistachios in the U.S. to the distinctively flavored Iranian and Turkish varieties, consumers have a plethora of choices. Whether it’s the gourmet Bronte pistachios from Italy or the convenient roasted and salted varieties, each type provides a rich, nutritious snack with its own appeal. Understanding these different types helps consumers select the best pistachios for their needs, whether for snacking, cooking, or gourmet applications. As the global demand for pistachios continues to grow, these varieties remain essential in providing high-quality, flavorful options to satisfy diverse palates.

These companies play a crucial role in the global supply chain of pistachios, influencing prices, availability, and market trends. The dominance of the U.S. and Iran in pistachio production highlights the importance of these regions in the global market.

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