2024 pistachio new crop

Stay Ahead of the 2024 Market: Expert Insights on Pistachio Harvest & Trends at Hiva Nuts

As many of you are already aware, the pistachio harvest season has begun. Early data reveals that the percentage of hollow nuts is higher than anticipated. This is likely due to a combination of factors, including water shortages & high temperatures. These environmental challenges may have had an impact on the quantity of pistachio crop. In case, large buyers, especially from China, begin placing orders, may has an effect on market dynamics.
As harvesting progresses in other regions, we are closely observing the results. We believe that once the harvest is completed across all farms, we will have a clearer picture of the overall crop condition and can offer more precise information regarding supply and pricing. Until then, we appreciate your patience and will keep you informed of any significant developments.

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